Program areas at Expressions of Hope
Napa county social services support resource center:clothing, shoes, gift cards, formula, diapers, beds, mattresses, dressers, cribs, etc; backpack care packs for new foster kids included blanket, pillow, pajama's, hair brush, toothbrush tooth paste, plus age appropriate comfort items. Special requests for children / teens ie camp, it supplies, etc. Supported 150 families, 397 children, and 19 special requests filled in 2022.
Adoption assistance program (aap):the program is funded through senate bill 163 that established that intensive wraparound services would be provided to children and families with complex needs. Beneficiaries must meet participating California county social service departments' stringent qualifications, then a comprehensive family-centered, strengths-based and needs driven service plan is developed using a team-based approach. Eoh entered into a consulting agreement with trauma education & support services, Inc. (tess) to offer these services to qualifying families. A three-year consulting agreement between tess (90% of ca county paid fees) and eoh (10% retained to cover administrative costs) was entered into on june 29, 2021. Served 10 families in 2022.
Events:foster parent appreciation dinner, foster family trip to monterey, back to school bbq, christmas party, evening on the santa train, foster parent support groups, moments with moms and dads & donuts (monthly); napa county trainings (bi-monthly. Conducted 32 support group mtgs & training and 5 seasonal events in 2022.
Charitable giving