Program areas at Face To Face
Dining room - our dining room alleviates hunger by serving warm, nourishing meals To low income families as well as single and homeless individuals. We welcome guests friday, saturday, sunday, monday, and tuesday. In 2023 we served 26,456 meals. For our guests our dining room is much more than a place To get a hot meal; it is their family room where they feel part of a community that values them. We open our doors by 9am and invite people To sit, relax, read, enjoy coffee and socialize while they wait for the meal. It is through our dining room that we learn of our guests challenges and refer them To our other programs for help. We have a dedicated group of over 1,200 volunteers each year, and they are a huge part of what makes our dining room a success.
Legal and social services centers - the Face To Face legal center protects the human, civil and legal rights of low income and homeless individuals. Our legal center serves over 700 people each year, and helps many clients To secure legal identification, which is essential in today's society. Our social services center provides counsel and referral To hundreds of clients each year. From simple packets promoting hygiene To help securing housing, utilities, and employment, this service gives many clients the resources they need To resolve a variety of issues. In 2023 the social services center assisted over 2,000 clients.
Health centers - our health center provides free nurse managed care To nearly 1,000 underserved people each year. Primary services include blood pressure screening, foot care, and diabetes education. Health promotion programs include reiki/reflexology, stress reduction and the washeteria, where people can take a hot shower and receive a new set of clothes.