Program areas at Fair Housing Council of Oregon
Enforcement program: under this program, fhco's employees receive and screen complaints of Housing discrimination and, whenever possible, test allegations of Fair Housing violations. Legitimate complaints are referred to attorneys or other appropriate enforcement agencies. Fhco provides technical assistance to and serves as a resource to its pool of attorneys who take Fair Housing referrals. Fhco files lawsuits and agency complaints against Housing providers in certain situations where such action will deter further illegal Housing discrimination. During the year ended june 30, 2023, we helped 285 individuals facing Housing discrimination and 1,582 individuals contacted our hotline.
Public policy: through our public policy advocacy work, fhco advocates at state and local levels for policies and laws that will help end racial segregation in Housing and increase access to Housing opportunity for everyone in Oregon. During the year ended june 30, 2023, our work was focused throughout the stste, and our advocacy on statewide legislation has the potential to impact every person living in Oregon.
Education and outreach program: under this program, fhco provides trainig for landlords, other Housing providers, social service providers and consumers. We also educate the public by distributing posters and brochures statewide, make contact with social service agencies, and promotes wareness of Fair Housing through the media. During the year ended june 30, 2023, we trained more than 5,300 landlords, other Housing providers, social service providers and consumers. We also provided outreach to 6,000 individuals.