Program areas at Faith in Action Volunteers
Operating income for our public transportation service in 2020 came from fees, subsidies and from invoicing American Medical Response (AMR). We contract with state of IA transportation broker Access2Care to drive Medicaid Members in SW IA. We drive the public as requested @ .65/mi ambulatory, @ .85/mi ADA. FIA discounts non-Medicaid rides by 20% for age 60 and over passengers. We receive subsidies for these non-Medicaid eligible rides from southwest 8 area office on aging @ $2/ride and from SWITA, the regional transit authority @ $4/ride. We operate 6 taxi vehicles : 3 leased from SWIPCO/SWITA, 3 owned by FIA. SWITA insures and registers their vans: value $3,575. FIA gave 150 volunteer driven rides @ 2,819 mi=$1550 and 293 hrs=$7438 in 2020 number of AMR rides average 230/mo with income of 17,000/mo. We phased out 2 older FIA vans and bought 2 others. We hired 1 new driver, Tony Collins. Our administrative work grew and we hired Lorena Courtney as Administrative Assistant. Due to the increasing size of the company, it made sense to update the way we operate and we changed from having independent contractors as drivers to employees. This meant we had to adjust payroll and pay back employment taxes. In 2020, we caught up with $25,360 in retro active employment tax.
The TVNR program is implemented with volunteer assistance. We logged 40 Volunteer hours trapping, transporting = $1017. We transported cats to and from the vet appointments at low-cost spay/neuter Clinics 40-60 mi from our base. Mileage cost =$490. Vet costs for surgery, Vaccinations and some wound care for 20 cats : $1818 (cost per cat $40-50). We subsidize colony caregivers with donations of cat food, litter and other supplies : $1706. We provided Revolution parasite treatment for the indoor/outdoor pets of some low-income families @ $10/ dose = $458. We rehomed 9 feral cats after vetting to 2 farm families who prefer cats over poison for rodent control. All are doing well. The COVID pandemic impacted our spay/neuter program in 2020. It became difficult, then impossible to book appointments at any of the several low cost clinics within our usual 75 mi radius. To maintain distancing, all the clinics strictly limited the numbers of appointments daily. In time, staff at some of the clinics became infected or exposed requiring temporary quarantine shutdowns. Eventually, to limit our own exposure, we modified our activities and keep closer to home supporting community rescue and fostering efforts. We received $1112 in cash donations. More information at
In 2020 we consolidated our equipment inventory from a garage into a small apartment we rented adjacent to our office. Climate controlled with a washer/dryer we've been able to clean and comfortably work with our equipment. As donations come in we assess whether to keep nearby for the loans/rental rotation or move to our offsite storage. Durable medical equipment donated in 2020: lift chair, Craftmatic Adjustable full size bed, powered hospital style bed, 2 power chairs, wheelchairs, bathing/toileting assists value = $2,650. Equipment rentals and sales = $3394. 20 volunteer hours valued @$509. Equipment repair parts = $334. Related miles driven = $234. Tina Strayhorn the out of state daughter of an Auburn, NE homeowner who passed away donated to our 501c3 the contents of his home @ 1423 13th St, Auburn, NE 68305. Miscellaneous household contents valued @ $3,532.
Faith in Action Volunteers Inc. Part III Statement of Program Service Accomplishments 4d Other program services, described : Faith in Action Donated Cash and Goods Total : $2,360. $260: cash donations from individuals. $1,350 : New Carhartt overalls & Jackets, new work boots donated by Ambassador, Sidney. Men's and women's clothing, shoes, coats & snow boots selected from donated contents of a home. All cleaned & passed on to specific families and Open Door Mission, Omaha. $345 : Motel stay as transitional housing. A local man became homeless, we helped access social services and paid for 3 nights at a motel. $305 : Miscellaneous (housewares, cell service). We keep household items on hand from donations and share as people need things ie after a house fire or when moving into their own apartment. Now and then we pay a phone bill or utility deposit. $100: We donated a ROJO Inflatable wound care cushion to W. Stenzl, Occupational Therapist for her home care patient. Not reimbursible by insurance, the chair-bound patient couldn't afford the expensive item. Ours was missing the pump, Wendi had an extra. Patient relieved.