Program areas at Faith in Place
Advocacy - the organization works with Faith partners across Illinois to advocate for urgent issues which need attention and action in order to protect our earth. Programs offered include:faithful citizen workshops - the organization conducts two-hour workshops where people of Faith can learn about and discuss engaging with policymakers. The organization also identifies and reviews ways people of Faith can participate in the advocacy process consistent with the tenets of their faith.statehouse advocacy day - every spring, the organization works closely with coalition members and sends a delegation of faithful citizens to advocate for issues which will protect our earth.
Energy & climate change - the organization works with Faith partners across Illinois to help them reduce their carbon footprint. A couple of specific programs are offered. These include: energy audits - the organization's staff work with skilled volunteers and trusted local organizations to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions at houses of worship and homes. This process starts with an energy audit, a key first step for laying out a comprehensive roadmap for energy energy education - the organization's staff bring materials to houses of worship, often during a fellowship time, so that individuals can better understand incentives, rebates, hourly pricing, and alternative suppliers. The organization's experts explain how to take advantage of these programs to save money and maximize energy efficiency.
Sustainable food, water and land use - Faith in Place (the organization) works with Faith partners across Illinois to help sustain food and land. A number of programs are offered including:native plant gardens - the organization provides assistance and support in the sourcing and installations of plants for numerous native plant and butterfly gardens on the properties of their Faith partners through the state.vegetable gardens - the organization's staff give guidance and promote the efforts of people of Faith to grow food in small neighborhood gardens. Such gardens provide locally grown produce and, at the same time, build a sense of community. One of the gardens is shared by a christian and a muslim Faith partner in urbana. The tomatoes and the relationships that grow there are treasured by both Faith communitiescongregationalsupported agriculture (csa) - csa is a congregationally supported farm in which members purchased "shares" in the project, work the garden and know the farmer. The organization's partner csa commits to donate at least 10% of the harvest to a local food pantry. The organization has been instrumental in establishing and supporting csas. The racially and culturally diverse congregations regularly share information and expertise. Together they donate tons of food to local food banks, foster community engagement, and train people with new skills.habitant restoration - the organization provides opportunities for the youth and adult members of the Faith partners to engage in stewardship activities that both protect and restore the native landscape. Just eating curriculum - the curriculum expores intersection of food and Faith and how to nurture healthy bodies, healthy communities, and a healthy environment.migration & me - this program focuses on conservation and stewardship that engages communities of Faith in sharing their own personal migration stories. These stories connect to the migration of monarch butterflies, birds, and other species, who also need nourishment, resting places, and care upon their arrival in Illinois.
Youth eco-ambassadors - the organization provides environmental education during the summer and academic year for their beloved youth. For ages ranging from 14-18, applications are accepted at the beginning of every summer and academic year from their Faith partners to send a youth representative from their house of workship to join the organization's staff to put their Faith into action. Staff work with youth to learn about environmental issues, leadership development, and outreach methods. Field trips to see environmental education in action is a key part of the program. By the end of the summer and academic year program, the eco-ambassadors are empowered to work and provide leadership with existing green teams at their Faith communities. Training includes education, connection, and advocacy in all of the organization's program areas.
Action fund - the organization has a 501(c)4 called Faith in Place action fund thats purpose is to develop and advocate for legislation, regulations, and government programs to care for the earth in areas of energy and climate change, sustainable food and land use, and water preservation.