Program areas at FAMM
State programs: famm's state work has two components: (1) project states, which arethe states in which we have aggressive, full-scale campaigns for reform led by in-stateproject directors, and (2) opportunity states, which are states where: we see anopportunity for reform, we seek to bring a unique or additional voice to the discussion, orare invited to testify or weigh in on a proposed reform. Presently, the states in which wework are: Arizona, Pennsylvania, north carolina, Florida, Missouri, and Texas.
Federal program: famm's federal program is focused on eliminating federalmandatory Minimums and preserving and improving advisory guidelines so that judgescan make individualized assessments of offenders. We also work in prison policy reform,supporting policies that provide incarcerated individuals with access to meaningful workand educational opportunities, as well as substance abuse and mental health treatment.we believe that all corrections facilities should be safe and that individuals who areincarcerated should remain close to their homes in order to maintain and strengthenimportant family bonds. Central to both our sentencing and prison policy reform work iseducating policymakers on these issues. We carry out this mission by creating newbriefing and educational materials; hosting capitol hill rallies, panels, and briefings;testifying before legislatures and the u.s. Sentencing commission; and advocating forpresidential pardons and commutations.
Public education program: famm's media, public, and member outreach improvesawareness of existing sentencing and prison policy problems to build support for reform.famm's communications team creates and distributes press releases, op-eds, actionalerts, and social media posts that highlight and complement reform efforts. We prideourselves on being a one-stop-shop for news, information, case studies, and analysis onsentencing laws and reforms for our 37,000+ membership via our website, e-alerts, andsocial media.
Famm advocates program: famm is growing its network of Families in every state to fight for deep and lasting reform across the country. Our goal is to build a large group of former prisoners or family members who are prepared to advocate. These advocates will make change by testifying before legislatures, meeting with lawmakers and other officials, and speaking with the media on a variety of criminal justice reforms.