Program areas at Family Abuse Center
Emergency shelter and supportive services: Family Abuse Center provides a 24-hour crisis line and a 64 bed emergency shelter for victims fleeing domistic violence. Services include residential case management,individual and group counseling,legal advocacy, help with transportation and medications, community education and various other supportive services. Family Abuse Center served 380 victims in the emergency shelter and 2040 victims on the 24-hour crisis line. Family Abuse Center serves mclennan, bosque, falls, ellis, navarro, hill, freestone and limestone counties in Texas.
Non-residential: Family Abuse Center provides non-residental counseling,case management,legal advocacy,help with applying for crime victim's compensation,emergency transportation and other services. Family Abuse Center provided legal advocacy for 294 clients and 223 received non-residentual services.
Transitional housing: Family Abuse Center provides a 12 month transitional housing program for 31 families fleeing domestic violence. Program participants are provided with various supportive services including job skills training,individual and group couseling,financial mentoring and computer classes.
Permanent housing:family Abuse Center provides a permanent housing program for 4 individuals with disabilities fleeing domestic violence. Program participants are provided with various supportive services,including individual and group counseling,financial mentoring and computer classes.rapid rehousing program:family Abuse Center provides housing for 12 families fleeing domestic violence for a period of 6-12 months. Program participants are provided with various supportive services including job skills training,individual and group counseling,financial mentoring & computer classes.early childhood intervention: Family Abuse Center provides parents of 89 families in mclennan county with early development education,resources and support. The hopes program provides a parents as teacher's(pat)evidence-based home visiting model for caregivers of children who are 5 years old and younger.rental housing:family Abuse Center owns 2 rental houses that are leased to clients exiting from the emergency shelter or transitional housing program who still require some rental assitance because of income or disabilty. They continue to receive case management and other non-residential services. The leases are renewable on an annual basis as long as the rentor qualifies for the housing criteria.