Program areas at Family and Children's Association
Services for seniors & adults - the senior & adult services division of fca recognizes the right of every senior to live with dignity, safety and independence. Services provided include alzheimer's caregiver support, elder abuse prevention, senior in-home assistance, nursing home advocacy, financial assistance, health insurance counseling and mobile access to technology resources.
Clinical services - the clinical services division is a licensed outpatient program that provides counseling for those struggling with alcohol or drug use. The clinic aims to be responsive to behavioral health crisis and avoid the need for emergency or inpatient hospital services. Services provided in fca's Family treatment & recovery centers include counseling, mental health assessments, medication management, vocational & educational services, and opiod overdose training.
Prevention & community engagement - the prevention & community engagement division of fca provides an array of services and supports designed to promote the health and wellness of children and their families, providing unwaivering support for the potential of all individuals. Services provided include child care services, independent living skills for foster care youth, workshops & learning opportunities for at-risk youth, career readiness services, parenting workshops, Family mediation, services to youth who are pregnant/parenting and services to youth & families impacted by substance use.
Harm reduction & recovery services - the harm reduction & recovery division provide services to adults ages 18+. The goal of the programs is to promote healthier person centered practices that reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases & overdose through education & community empowerment achieved with access to resources. Services include peer advocates who provide assistance to individuals & families struggling or impacted by substance use disorder, peer led services for individuals in recovery, recovery coaching, peer support groups, and testing to promote healthy outcomes for anyone using drugs or alcohol.
Residential services - the residential services division operates two residences for runaway and homeless youth and two office of mental health licensed community residences. The division provides housing and supportive services for long island's most vulnerable populations. The programs provides case management, crisis intervention & skills training to residents. Services are designed to support the residents and integrate residents back into Family, community, or independent living settings.
Mental health & wellness services - the mental health & wellness division provides an array of services and supports to promote the health & wellness of children & their families. Services are available for individuals up to 21 years of age and provided home and community based or in any other site comfortable to the child & Family.
Services to other organizations
Scholarship - the scholarship program supports individuals engaged in fca programs seeking educational/vocational assistance in order to advance their future career opportunities.