Program areas at Family and Children's Center
Our community services (day treatment) provide day programming for children ages 3 to 17 whose emotional, behavioral or mental health problems prevent them from being successful at school, home or in the community. With these supports children can remain in their homes with their Family, but receive support to work through their issues. The programs utilize a trauma informed framework that works to improve overall well-being and build skills that lay the groundwork for future success.
Hiawatha hall is a nine-bed residential treatment facility serving southeast Minnesota, primarily, but not limited to, the counties of winona, houston, and wabasha. It is our philosophy that the consumers of services must be actively involved in their own treatment. Consumer choice is a determining factor in the development of treatment goals. Treatment at hiawatha hall will be short-term. Our service philosophy is to develop and enhance psychiatric stability, personal and emotional adjustment, self- sufficiency and skills to live in a more independent setting as long as medical necessity criteria are met. Consumer overall goals will be achieved through individual assessment and treatment planning with each resident and through use of evidence-based practices.
Our community support programs provide coordinated care for adults living with severe and persistent mental illness who are having difficulty coping with the ordinary demands of life. Through intensive case management, consumers can live independently in their own community. A team consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, case managers, and mental health technicians provide an array of services to meet basic needs like housing and personal care, as well as help monitor medication, financial management and maintain connections with other therapeutic and rehabilitation services. The central focus is to facilitate the recovery process so individuals can avoid both short and long-term psychiatric hospital stays.
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