Program areas at FCSA
The residential treatment center (rtc) is a 24-hour residential program for youth ranging in age from 12-18 who are experiencing mental or behavioral health challenges and are in need of a stable, therapeutic enviornment. The rtc is licensed by the state of Alaska as a residential child care facility (rccf) for a maxium of 70 clients. The facility houses a comprehensive education center, cafeteria, full sized gymnasium, activity rooms, and a theater for recreation.
Smart start learning center (sslc) provides quality care to children 6 weeks through 12 years of age. Our primary goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, educationally enriched environment for the children in our care.
In wasilla and the greater mat-su borough, fcsa provided outpatient clinical Services, operates a respite home and four therapeutic foster group homes for both boys and girls. Each home can provide Services for up to five children. Fcsa also licenses and supports a number of therapeutic foster homes in the area.
Description expenses revenues youth education support Services 1,021,550 1,351,367 fairbanks therapeutic foster group homes 881,156 1,380,019 alternatives to out-of-state placement 654,816 1,209,823 respite and crisis home 268,026 317,535 adolescent co-occurring treatment home 464,521 909,309 totals 3,290,067 5,168,053