Program areas at Family Faith and Relationship Advocates
Fara has: 1. Facilitated an average of 125 male clients weekly in our outgrowing power & anger control (opac) classes and true insight parenting strategies (tips) program classes. An average of six classes a week are open to these clients. 2. Facilitated an average 56 female clients weekly in our outgrowing power & anger control (opac) classes and true insight parenting strategies (tips) program classes and our etc program. There were three classes offered at different and days, to remove barries for struggles. 3. Continued collaboration with three different elementary schools and two high schools, to bring the tips program to each school's parents and community. We are facilitating the tips classes every week at fara, in the community and at different schools,for different classes happening. 4. Fara continutes to offer play therapy,youth therapy, couples therapy, reintegration therapy and a host of other therapeutic opportunities for those who are struggling, desiring to change or the need to heal. Many of our clients are referred by the douglas county child welfare division, douglas county parole & probation, courts and other local agencies who refer for services. We also have clients that come on a volunteer basis to improve their skills. In these therapeutic services, most of our clients are paying reduced fees or getting services for free, because of financial struggles or life situations. 5. Safe at home program is a new piloted project program, in collaboration with ddhs and cp3, to offer safety service providers for dhs clients who are in the tail end of their journey to get their children back in the home. We are currently helping six families and have over eight volunteers, vetted, trained and available to meet needs. 6. The fara4youth crisis program has increased its capacity, collaboration, and partnerships, to help displaced youth or teens in crisis. Fara4youth has a drop-i9n center that is being utilized almost fives day a week. Fara will be working towards opening a youth shelter in late august of 2024. Any youth in need can take advantage of: local contact for immediate crisis support; referral sources for hwam shelter; refferal for safe families of douglas county host homes; assist with transporation to shelter; youth, Family & group therapy options; aftercare services; crisis intervention; clothing, hygine, and school supplies; information & referrals to local agencies; drop-in services; parent education & support; learning lab; safe room; and peer mentorship. 7. Fara continutes to strengthen its collaboration with bushnell university to train master's and licensure level interns to facilitate therapeutic work and help in our program classes. We have at any given time, at least two to four bushnell student's, learning, teaching and offering therapeutic work for douglas county residents. We are now offering for the first time, paid internships. 9. Fara continues to offer a safe place for families, children and individual to seek out and receive connected and engaged services. Between our opac, pac, tips, sffc, fara4youth and our therapeutic services, we are providing an opportunity for people to heal, change or grow, where there once was not. We are currently providing these services for approximately 175 clients a week.