Program areas at Family Foundations of Northeast Florida
Clinical counseling - Family Foundations' clinical counseling is delivered through two programs: Family and individual counseling services (fics) and, in conjuntion with the local united way, westside full service schools (wfss). Fics provides a comprehensive set of mental health services to individuals and families and is the only community-based program in Northeast Florida that provides low or no-cost counseling services. No one is ever turned away based on their capacity to pay. Wfss provides services to school-aged youth and their families to address behaviors that interfere with educational achievement,helping students to mitigate or eliminate non-academic barriers limiting their full potential. Each of our couselors are licensed mental health professionals and/or supervised registered mental health interns.
Violence intervention and prevention - Family Foundations works in conjunction with the city of jacksonville on a violence reduction initiaive called cure violence. Cure violence is a nationally recongnized violence reduction program which the city of jacksonville is employing in our locaal community to reduce gun violence. Family Foundations works with cure violence sites throughout the city to provide mental health, peer support training, and financial wellness services to violence interpreters, outreach workers and program participants.
Financial wellness - Family Foundations' financial wellness program assists individuals and families better understand how their behaviors and decisions impact their financial future in a complex and challenging world. Through a comprehensive array of services, we assist individuals and families in Northeast Florida increase financial literacy skills including: budgeting, credit scoring, housing counceling, foreclosure intervention and bankruptcy. Utilizing individual and group settings taught by certified counselors, Family foudations provides the tools, knowledge and resources to effectively manage ones finances. Annually, Family Foundations coordinates wise money week, a week long celebration that brings together students and volunteers to deliver financial education to youth, adults, seniors and veterans, to increase knowledge and stress the importance of financial literacy and responsibility.