Program areas at Family Hope House
Fhhs behavioral health therapy services program is fundamental to its mission, focusing on addressing the complex trauma and attachment issues often seen in children from the child welfare system. By employing evidence-based treatments models, this program offers a variety of therapeutic interventions including individual, group, and Family therapy, as well as support groups. These services aim to foster healing from traumatic experiences and strengthen Family connections, which are essential for acheiving placement stability and permanency. In 2023, Family Hope House provided 4,754 hours of therapy to 175 clients and their families. 84% of these participantsreported increased levels of Hope - believing they have the power to make tomorrow better than today!
The education services at fhh are designed to help foster, adoptive and guardianship families establish secure, healthy relationships within the Family dynamic. Fhh partners with other non-profit organizations to further impact these communities with regular support groups and other training opportunities. These events provide parent coaching and support that is adoption competent and trauma-informed. Trainings include trust-based relational intervention, circle of security, and other other topics relevent to the population served. In 2023, Family support nights impacted an average of 103 foster, adoptive and guardianship parents each month.
Training for adoption compentency is a nationally recognized, post-masters training specifically tailored for professionals in the social work, mental health, and child welfare sectors, aiming to increase adoption competency across Oklahoma. Family Hope House has been the exclusive provider of tac in Oklahoma since 2018, enhancing the skills of numerous mental health clinicians throughout the state. In 2023, over 75 hours of adoption competent training were provided to behavioral health providers across the state.