Program areas at Family Service of Waukesha
Family Service of Waukesha offers personalized counseling care for people of all ages. Our counseling services address emotional, behavioral, mental health, relationship, and Family issues. Our professional staff includes licensed psychologists, psychotherapists, marriage and Family counselors, social workers, and substance abuse counselors. Our skilled mental health professionals provide a variety of services to children, adolescents, adults, families, and couples.
The center for prevention of Family violence group programs assist individuals in learning anger management skills and developing non-violent behaviors. These programs aim to protect individuals and families from physical injury and emotional abuse and to break the cycle of violence with people who are abusive in their relationships.
The child advocacy resources and empowerment (c.a.r.e.) Center is a collaborative program created by representatives from Waukesha County's social Service, medical, and legal communities for the purpose of ensuring a coordinated, safe, timely, and child-friendly response to child abuse. The c.a.r.e. Center offers recorded forensic interviews, forensic medical exams, and Family advocacy designed to make the system of reporting, investigating, and prosecuting these crimes as un-invasive and un-traumatic as possible for the victim.
Cooperative Family and parenting center programs help parents and children develop skills and find healing so there is increased focus, confidence, and growth in the parent-child relationship. These programs help re-engage absentee fathers, remove children from the middle of conflicted parental relationships, and assist divorced and separated parents in forming "business-like" relationships that are child-focused. The Agency also provides consumer credit counseling services including financial budget management and advocacy on behalf of the client with creditors.