Program areas at Family Services
Child development division - the child development division is comprised of the federal head start program as well as additional Services for private pay day child development Services. These private pay Services include extended day and pre-k Services. Child development program - these Services are open to all children and are supported by client fees, dss stipends, and/or contracted state pre-k fees. The Services also include extended hour day care. In 2022-2023, 714 families were served in this program. Head start program - this is the largest division and constitutes over half of Family Services, Inc's total funding budget. The Family Services, Inc. head start program serves low-income children and their families living in forsyth county. Through collaboration efforts with other community agencies and the local school system head start has been successful in meeting the needs of its enrolled families. In 2022-2023, 558 families were served in this program. The head start operations include 31 classrooms for children ages 3 and 4 years old in four independent sites, including one site on the wssu campus and in collaboration with three elementary schools through out the county and in collaboration with nine sites operated by private community childcare organizations. The four independently operated sites have a five star child care rating from the division of child development and early education. The head start program provides a range of comprehensive Services which consist of education and early childhood development with the objective of providing all children with a safe, nurturing, engaging, fun, and secure learning environment. Children gain awareness, skills, and confidence necessary for success in school and life. The program supports a continuum of children's growth and development, which include each child's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. The head start program maintains a staff of well qualified early childhood teachers. Parent involvement in the education of their children is the cornerstone for building a strong foundation for implementation of the head start program. Parents are considered the primary educators of their children. Head start parents are involved in the planning and development of activities designed to enhance their interest and knowledge of education, community awareness, and personal growth. Parents participate in a series of financial management trainings taught by local financial experts. Additionally parents receive educational training. Parents have an opportunity to influence the decision making process for program operation as an elected member of the policy council. Health Services for children include dental, vision, speech and hearing. Nutritional needs are met by providing a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily. Mental wellness support for children and families are offered on site. Children with special needs are identified and referrals to supporting agencies ensure follow-up and support Services. Ten percent of the program's enrollment is children with a diagnosed disability. Through the Family partnership component, families are encouraged to develop Family goals that would move them toward self-sufficiency through job training and education. The head start program has a special interest in service to homeless families with pre-school children. The program has increased enrollment of homeless families, as well as hispanic families. Since 2009-10, Family Services, Inc., expanded Services for working parents, providing fee-based extended day care both before and after the 6.5 hour head start program. These Services were provided for a fee paid by dss or by the parent. Early head start program - the early head start program provides critical education and other child development Services during the years when children need them most. The program serves low-income families in forsyth county, providing a full-day, family-centered early learning and child development program that operates year-round for infants and children to 3 years of age.
Family solutions - the Family solutions cluster of Services provides programs that strengthen individuals and families capacity in relationships and society. Counselors are all master's level with most being licensed in their profession. Issues include marital/couple conflicts, Family stress/adjustment, grief counseling, parenting needs, child adjustment problems, work/family conflicts, emotional wellness and financial literacy. The staff is multi-talented, including expertise in the areas of children, trauma, Family systems and/or adult development. Fees are based on an income based scale. Fsi also offers employee assistance counseling. The strengthening families program for high risk students is an evidence- based program for 10 to 14 year-olds designed to improve parents' relationships with their children. School-based counseling serves students attending parkland high school. The adoption and pregnancy counseling service provides counseling & support Services for women facing an unplanned pregnancy, as well as offering adoption placement/services for families and individuals. The adoption service includes individual consultations to help families select the type of adoption situation that is most appropriate for them, pre-placement assessments (home studies), lifelong supportive Services for all participants in an adoption, and recruitment of families for children with special needs. The agency is a member of the coalition of licensed private adoption agencies (coplaa). The Family solutions cluster of Services provides Services for the entire Family and has support from united way, fees, foundation and government grants. Services list: Family, child, individual, and couples counseling; strengthening families; ways to work; adoption Services; pregnancy counseling; and post-adoption Services.
Safe relationships - the safe relationships division offers a comprehensive array of Services including court advocacy for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault, a domestic violence shelter which provides emergency shelter, crisis intervention, individual and Family counseling, and different group interventions for victims. Collaborative approaches such as safe on seven have increased the impact of this division. Fsi also offers two crisis hotlines, one for domestic violence and one for sexual assault. A large part of this service is focused on raising awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault, facilitated by community education and collaborations with other area agencies. One collaboration initiated by fsi is the domestic violence community council (dvcc), which draws together representatives from all agencies servicing the domestic violence population in forsyth county. The dvcc has been successful in streamlining Services and coordinating community wide efforts. Fsi also works in coordination with the police department and local colleges and universities to provide domestic violence and sexual assault education within colleges and universities. Specialized Services also include a forensic interviewing facility for children who have been exposed to or are victims of violence. This facility, the children's advocacy center, is housed in the domestic violence shelter, and is accredited by the national children's alliance. Safe relationship Services receive substantial support from governmental funding as well as united way, foundations, fees and contributions. Services list: crime victims' Services; domestic violence and sexual assault: court advocacy; domestic violence and sexual assault: crisis response; domestic violence shelter; community collaborations including domestic violence community council; (dvcc) sexual assault response team (sart); child advocacy center multi-disciplinary team (mdt).