Program areas at Fargo-Moorhead Convention and Visitors Bureau
Our primary exempt purpose is to enhance the economic life of the community (Fargo, Moorhead & West Fargo) by attracting all varieties of visitors. This includes, but is not limited to, leisure travelers, business travelers, group tours, meetings and conferences, and youth and adult sporting events. To that end, we market the community and its assets in a variety of different ways, including digital, social media, print and broadcast advertising; attendance at trade shows for meeting and sporting event planners; membership in organizations with which we can collaborate in pursuit of our primary goal. As part of our efforts to attract such events, we provide a variety of event assistance, both in the form of cash assistance and services to conferences and tournaments, as needed. Services include the printing of name badges and signage, as well as on-site staffing for registration.
The Fargo-Moorhead CVB operates a capital grant ("Destination Development") fund to help other local non-profits add, expand or enhance facilities that play a role in bringing visitors to the community. Recipients include, but are not limited to, tournament facilities, local attractions and arts groups. In Short Year 2023 our Board of Directors approved capital grants to 2 (two) different local entities. These grants are documented on another form.
The Fargo-Moorhead CVB operates a Housing Bureau as a service to local groups who sponsor youth and adult sports tournaments (youth hockey, soccer & baseball, adult softball etc.). It's also available for conference sponsors but is primarily used by sporting groups. In a typical year our Housing staff will deal with between 40 and 45 events.