Program areas at Farm Stew International
FREEDOM FROM DEPENDENCY: FARM STEW empowers families to be self-sufficient by teaching classes that emphasize Farming, Attitude, Rest, Meals, & Temperance. These funds were used to hire, equip, and mobilize local Christian trainers who lead the efforts in impoverished communities. Families who have Freedom from Dependency can overcome malnutrition with locally grown food and prepare healthy plant-based meals.
FREEDOM FROM DRUDGERY & DISEASE: FARM STEW promotes SANITATION in communities by instructing on how to have clean, safe WATER, construct family latrines, tippy-taps, and efficient cookstoves. In addition, these funds were used to drill & repair borehole wells that provide accessible, safe, pure water to people who previously had limited or no access. Families who have Freedom from Disease and Drudgery can access pure water, construct latrines and tippy-taps, and build efficient cookstoves.
FREEDOM FROM SHAME & FREEDOM TO SHARE: FARM STEW educates girls & boys in menstrual health & SANITATION. These funds were used to encourage girls to continue their education uninterrupted by providing them with washable menstrual supplies, thus freeing them from shame. FARM STEW also allows individuals and partners to learn, apply, & contextualize the FARM STEW concept of abundant living in local languages & user-friendly Materials. These funds were used to fund training of trainers events in countries where FARM STEW plans to launch an outreach program.
FREEDOM TO PROSPER: FARM STEW trains in the principles of money management to help participants become financially free and start small local ENTERPRISES. These funds were used to purchase supplies to establish village savings & loan assoc. & farmers' co-ops. Families who have Freedom to Prosper practice Biblical money management & launch local business initiatives.