Program areas at Farmworker Coordinating Council of Palm Beach County
The family preservation & economic stabilization program is designed to empower clients to move from crisis to stability through ongoing support fostering client independence. The program provides a variety of services such as case management, emergency rental and utility assistance, distribution of food and clothing, transportation, financial education, referrals and other services that promote self-sufficiancy and economic stabilization. The program is based out of two offices located in lake worth and belle glade, and services are provided by case managers that are familiar to the culture and needs of this population. All case managers are english-spanish or english creole speakers.
The goal of the community health access team (chat) is to facilitate access to health care services among uninsured and under insured low income farm worker families. Many of these families are unable to access affordable health services because of barriers such as language, culture, immigration status and economic situation. Chat accomplishes its goals by conducting outreach activites, health workshops and helping clients apply for medicaid, kid care, health care district and other health care programs in our community. Client advocacy and transportation to medical appointments are key components of this program.
The education program offers a variety of programs for farm workers and their children. The after school mentoring and tutoring programs aims to mitigate low education achievement levels, reduce the drop-out rate and bridge the educational gap that exists between children of farm workers and the rest of the student population. We also offer a pre-k program to the children ready for school. Our art program seeks to educate children through art and build self esteem. The adult program offers a variety of classes (esol, literacy, basic computer, etc) to help parents learn new skills that may help them find a better job or make better financial decisions that could lead to family economic stability.
The people in need programs goal is to help non-farmworker individuals and families that do not qualify for our other programs but have un-met needs. Our focus is to help people that are in need of services but for one reason or another fall through the cracks and have not been served by agencies in our County. Some of the services provided by this program includes: case management emergency rental/utility assistance, distribution of food and clothing, transportation, etc