Program areas at Fe Y Justicia Worker Center
Worker empowerment clinic: fjwc provides education and guidance, case management and accompaniment, and referral services to workers with labor abuse cases. Fjwcs service provision model is one of leadership building and peer-support, that assists clients in ways that affirm their dignity and power, share skills and brings workers into decision-making roles, and educates them about the larger social system.
Leadership and organizing: fjwc coaches and mobilizes low- wage workers to become Worker and human rights trainers and promoters, and to create a network of interconnected people who are organized for their common wellbeing.
Safety and health: fjwc provides safety and health workshops on diverse osha topics to (1) empower workers to protect themselves and their co- workers and prevent workplace injuries and death, and (2) empower workers to denounce safety concerns at the workplace.
Fourth program: recovery: fjwc supports reconstruction workers after disasters through occupational safety and health trainings, community resiliency workshops, personal protective equipment distribution, direct assistance, and leadership development. Fifth program: information Center: fjwc systematically documents all received labor abuse claims (about 90 per month), screens calls for labor trafficking, provides emotional support for workers in crisis, and connects them to relevant services.