Program areas at Fidec Corporation
Research: 1. Fidec sponsors clinical studies on polio vaccines, to evaluate vaccine safety and response, to help eradicate poliomyelitis.
Health care professionals' programs in order to increase vaccination coverage in south Florida, latin america, and armenia, such as: 1. Continuous training of healthcare professionals on hpv (human papillomavirus) prevention in primary and secondary/specialized medical centers in armenia. trainig for physicians, nurses and pharmacists through a free virtual campus, on topics such as communication and vaccines.
Education programs for the community, immunization campaigns, research, and implementation of health care programs for rural areas stand out among other projects. Community oriented programs include: a. awarness day campaigns, Fidec joins national and international campaigns to promote diseases prevention through periodic checkups and immunization. B. binational health activities to promote flu and covid-19 vaccination in latin american consulates of argentina, colombia, guatemala and mexico, jointly carried out by Fidec and walgreens pharmacy. fitness for all project, first outdoor fitness and workout station in tavush, armenia, to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people and adults. D.the shirak health project, aims to provide free medical services to vulnerable rural communities in order to address the most prevalent health conditions. E. tda occupational health program that delivers health care services for employees of tda (tierras de armenia), by providing initial and periodic medical evaluations, management of acute and chronic issues, including surgical and therapeutic treatment in hospitals, health care services provided at work site, as well as provision of prescribed medication for employees. F. miami-dade immunization coalition aims to increase vaccination rates, identify barriers, overcome issues, and exchange experiences among Fidec, the department of infectious diseases of the university of miami, and representatives from governmental and private organizations. G. campaigns carried out in health fairs and social media to raise awarness on infectious diseases prevention and the importance of vaccination, providing precise information and dispelling misconceptions. H. training program on salesforce to provide adolescents and young adults knowledge and tools to enable the participants to access future-ready employment.the program objective translates to the strenthening of adolescents and young adults'self-confidence, health care awarness, and general well-being. Health care professionals oriented programs include: a. Influenza vaccination virtual training for healtcare professionals. B. online health education (stamboulian talks): free online conferences presented by expert speakers targeted to health care professionals on latest developments related to common diseases and healthcare topics. C. working group of latin american experts on influenza surveillance and respiratory viruses' vaccination in andean recion, organized by Fidec to analyze regional barrier to vaccination and to discuss strategies to increase vaccination rates.