Program areas at Fiesta Especial disABILITYsa Creative Services
PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Engagement Programs at disABILITYsa include the Fiesta Especial programs consisting of a royal court leadership & life skills development program, Celebration Day community-based instruction program, parade, and Royal Court Alumni Leadership program, as well as the Disability Inclusion Resource Center, and Service Leadership programs. disABILITYsa serves young men and women with disabilities through the leadership development program. The Fiesta Especial Royal Court program creates visibility for the leadership and Contributions individuals with disabilities in our local community, while providing a platform for leadership and service development for children and adults with all types of disabilities (ages 12+). The Celebration Day, a community-based instruction program, brings many special education programs and adult day habitation programs that are comprised of children and adults with disabilities and their support networks, to participate in a city-wide celebration of heritage, culture, and diversity in a fun, safe, and inclusive way. The Disability Inclusion Resource Center is acquiring equipment to provide accessible resources that assist other businesses and organizations to make their community experiences more inclusive of people with disabilities. Equipment includes the Mobile Changing Unit, Sensory Escape Room, Sensory Kit Station, Disability Lived Experience Panels, and Inclusion Training. [continued on Schedule O]
PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Advance programs at disABILITYsa support individuals with disabilities and others who are part of our disability community in discovering ways each participant can take a role in effecting change and providing training and resources to do so. The AbilitySTRONG Parade is San Antonio's Disability Pride Celebration expressing the belief that disability is a natural and beautiful part of the human diversity in which people living with a disability can take pride. This annual program brings the local community together to advance public attitudes toward disability and even change the way we think about and define disability. It is a celebration that highlights the beauty, ability, and strengths that individuals with disabilities bring to our local community. disABILITYsa team members participate in local conversations, planning teams, and community planning processes to advance the considerations of people with disabilities in the areas of Housing, Healthcare, Transportation, Education, Employment, and Socialization.
PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The education programs at disABILITYsa include Navigation Services, online resource website, social media platforms, Leadership & Life Skills Development programs, and AccessAbility fest. Programs which operate to connect children and adults with disabilities with the Resources in the community by sharing information. disABILITYsa's website is a dynamic resource tool for information on current issues, local events and programs, as well as local job opportunities, volunteer opportunities, and more. The AccessAbility fest is a gateway to information, resources, and opportunities for individuals with Disabilities and their support networks. The program captures the attention of both Individuals with and without disabilities. The VaxabilitySTRONG program (one-year only) is a multifaceted information, education, and community campaign to open conversations about questions and barriers around vaccinations and provide information and resources on vaccine safety, benefits, and access for the disability community.
PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The STRENGTHEN programs at disABILITYsa include an educational and support benefits Membership program that promotes the participation of individuals, businesses, and Organizations in the mission of disABILITYsa through educational opportunities, networking platforms, awareness-building programs, financial savings, and more. These programs utilize resources to help strengthen the disability service organizations in our community through low-cost printing options, educational series, consulting, connects, and training.