Program areas at FTND
Education - Fight the New Drug's Education Program reaches millions of individuals each year, providing educational opportunities for individuals to consider before consuming pornography. In 2023, FTND enhanced, supported, and grew the following educational resources, making them more impactful and accessible. As part of our Live Presentation Program, we presented to over 19,000 individuals at 92 educational events. Post-event survey data shows that 93% of audience members agree after seeing an FTND event that pornography can be harmful. Our Live Event Scholarship Fund additionally helped provide free events, including presentations and public documentary screenings. With the expansion of our Presentation Certification Program, we now have additional training resources to expand our presentation reach and have certified two new presenters. Our documentary, Brain, Heart, World, had over 12,000 new private viewing accounts created and over 70 public screening events hosted, reaching thousands more. Additionally, we released new online educational content, videos, and articles covering the multifaceted issue surrounding pornography's negative effects, helping educate millions of individuals, families, and communities across the globe.
Mobilization - Fight the New Drug's Mobilization Program expands awareness and facilitates healthy discussions surrounding pornography, creating change on an individual and societal level. Our online mobilization efforts span worldwide, reaching millions. In 2023, we had over 6 million social media followers and engaged an additional 50 million individuals worldwide. We continued to spread critical research and personal accounts via our website, which had over 3.8 million new website sessions. We had 5.7 million new listens of our Consider Before Consuming podcast which spanned over 24 new educational episodes. The podcast maintained a 4.9/5 star podcast rating. We released a brand new resource called Digital Downloads for Fighters to spread awareness about the harms of porn in their community by downloading, sharing, pinning, or tacking posters, flyers, and informational resources online or in public places in their community. Additionally, our true story videos, awareness-raising merchandise, and online content provided opportunities for millions around the world to become informed on the harmful effects of pornography. As FTND's following continues to grow, it's evident the success of our mobilization efforts and the power we have collectively to help end sexual exploitation.