Program areas at Flintridge Center
Reintegration Services Flintridge provides wraparound services to over 1,000 formerly incarcerated adults per year that promote self-sufficiency and build resilience in individuals by removing barriers to employment and healthy living. Services include substance abuse and mental health treatment; case management and individual wellness plans; resource fairs connecting individuals to services; employment development services; life skills workshops covering topics including anger management and communication; legal support clinics to assist individuals in reducing and expunging qualified offenses and reduce or remove traffic ticket payments; Know Your Rights trainings that help community members navigate interactions with police; and the Apprenticeship Preparation Program.
Youth of Promise The Organization provides a year-round Youth of Promise (YOP) program to approximately 60 youth at-risk of dropping out of school, joining gangs, or falling into the justice system. Program components include: case management to connect families to resources and create individualized plans with youth that track grades, behavior, and goals; deep, one-to-one mentoring from a committed, trained adult; academic support and homework assistance in partnership with tutors from California Institute of Technology, Pasadena City College and Aspires West; arts education workshops facilitated by Art Center College of Design student volunteers; community service experiences that foster youths sense of belonging to their community and enhances personal and social outcomes; life skills and personal development workshops; college and career planning in coordination with partner College Access Plan (CAP); enrichment activities at college campuses, museums, and recreational venues; and family engagement opportunities that build protective factors.
Apprenticeship Preparation Program - Flintridge provides an Apprenticeship Preparation Program (APP) to prepare approximately 75 previously incarcerated community members per year for sustainable careers in union construction trades. The 10-week, 240-hour program includes a union developed pre-apprenticeship curriculum, employment development, life skills, case management, hands on experience, physical fitness, financial literacy, and certification in industry valued credentials. The program is offered with support from the LA/Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council AFL-CIO and several community-based partners.