Program areas at Food For The Hungry
All Other Relief And Development Programs - To build resilience so communities can flourish, emergency relief and rehabilitation, clean-water and sanitation projects, health education and intervention, agriculture development, income generation, life-skills training, and education programs are conducted around the world in developing countries and specifically in the hard places among the poorest of the poor. Over 3.9 million have been helped this past year through these programs.
Public Awareness and Education Program - Food for the Hungry seeks to influence the conversations, policy decisions, and actions that impact the lives of the people we serve by increasing our visibility and leadership among partners, peers and policymakers.
Child Sponsorship and Development Program - Monthly sponsorship equips families to build resilience so communities can flourish. We address the nutrition, education, health, and spiritual needs of a child. Because the programs are family and community based, gifts help the entire family and community. Currently there are over 174,000 sponsored children in 17 countries around the world. These countries are Bolivia, Peru, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam.