Program areas at Footage Foundation
Dialogues of displacement program. Explores and elevates the voices of female-identifying survivors of gbv primarily identity based violence, and specifically the violence of forced displacement from dangerously intolerant contexts due to their identities. Over 50 people benefitted.
Ukraine compassionate aid and leadership program. Provide humanitarian support and leadership training for young women to support those inside and from ukraine, primarily to single mothers, families, elderly women, non-ukrainian citizens, minority populations, and disabled individuals, impacted by crisis and promoting security, safety, and dignity. Over 500 persons benefitted.
Ukraine femsms. The network aims to provide women in crisis in ukraine with rapid access to information and resources. Over 1200 people benefitted.
Story telling / advocacy- workshops and campaigns focused on sharing the voices of young women. Over 500 persons benefitted. Her-connect-her dialogue program and reports. This program is designed to create dialogue with young refugee women and to understand their needs and social issues. Over 300 persons benefited. Girl-talk-girl is a program and platform, connecting young women at-risk to and/or survivors of gender based violence in the united states, russia, ukraine, chile, and kazakhstan through digital storytelling. The focus is on gender-based violence awareness, healing, and on inspiring equality and leadership. Over 100 young women benefited.