Program areas at FORMED Foundation
CSOs increase psychological resilience to sustain work in a hostile environment. As a result of coaching assistance, three group CSO members became more sustainable in continuing to implement project activities and small initiatives. On November 11, 2023, a 2-hour set-up Zoom with the group was organized. During the session, group members identified the goals and objectives of the group, their needs, and the FF's capabilities to provide stress management counselling and coaching services. After the Zoom session, an individual work plan was drawn up for the next 5 months. Before December 31, 2023, four stress management counseling and one set-up coaching session were conducted. In those sessions, participants discussed their expectations from FF counsellingnd identified goals and milestones for achieving them. At the end of every session, the trainer gave them assignments to prepare for the upcoming counselling. A mix of stress management and coaching sessions was a new format for the group, but it was quite successful. Participants gave positive feedback afterward. They noted that the coach approached the questions posed professionally and competently, which helped to have a constructive conversation. In particular, the participants from Petrozavodsk and Rostov mentioned that "the coach respected their boundaries and maintained a comfortable environment of understanding". From the first minutes, they built trust, which helped them to get the most out of the sessions. FF organized open and trustful communication. The sessions with the psychologist helped draw up the participants' psychological portraits. As a result, the team member's strengths were identified, and the members got recommendations on different organizational roles. The team could identify their strategic goals at the end of the sessions.
DRL Workshop
Capacity building program for CSOs. During this period, FF developed programs for the 2024-2025 years. As a result, a training program for CSOs was developed.