Program areas at Fort Dodge Convention and Visitors Bu
We invested 305,264 in various programs including marketing, trade show campaigns, advertising, special events, promotional items, website, tourism development, and other promotions. In return, Visitors traveling to Fort Dodge generated 10,000,000 in retail, hotel/motels, and hospitality revenue,generated state and local tax receipts, supported jobs/wages, and improved the quality of life for local residents. Activities or organizations supported included isi wrestling team camp, symposium dance, webster county conservation, Fort Dodge senior high girls softball, shellabration, Iowa girls athletic union, city of Fort Dodge, rogers sports complex, fd amateur sports,greater Fort Dodge growth alliance, Fort Dodge fine arts association,webster county crimestoppers, friends of webster county conservation, Iowa central community college, Fort Dodge baseball association, Iowa educationsl services for the blind and visually impaired, and Iowa travel industry partners.