Program areas at FWMSH
The Museum owns and maintains a collection of over 175,000 scientific exhibits and historical objects with an emphasis on Texas and the southwest. We provide engaging, interactive experiences to the public that involve powerful, first-hand informal learning through our exhibitions, innovation gallery, innovation studios, and children's Museum. The Museum features 50,000+ square feet of exhibitions on topics including energy, dinosaurs, innovation, Fort Worth History, and astronomy. The Museum welcomed over 252,729 guests, including school children, families, and groups.
Discovery lab on wheels provides programming to a variety of audiences from school classrooms to community and library programs. Dlw also provides programming to adult audiences through our life Science lectures and recollections programs. These programs are tailored to adults living with dementia or in assisted living facilities. During fy2022 the discovery lab on wheels program visited 40 locations, 5,579 children and 1,298 adults. Discovery lab on wheels 2022-2023 served 93 locations, 3,929 children and 593 adults. The family Museum nights program provides schools with the opportuity to bring their families to the Museum for an exclusive visit. In fy2022, 34 schoools visited the Museum with 11,802 in attendance. In fy2023, 88 schools visited with 18,247 in attendance. The family steam fesitvals program travels to campuses bringing quality educational experiences into the school for families who may not be able to attend the Museum otherwise. During fy2022, 20 campuses participated in the program with 6,091 program participants in attendance. In fy2023, 60 campuses participaed with 14,651 program participants in attendance.
Other program services consist of rental income, net income from sales of inventory, parking fees, and other program revenues.