Program areas at Fortune Relief and Youth Empowerment Organization
Youth economic solutions (yes)the Youth employment solution (yes) is designed to provide quality employment and career transition services to help the east african Youth obtain work skills set and achieve education goals, and gain work experience in a culturally specific way. Through this program we have enrolled many east african Youth. We did job development training consisting of; employer relationship training that helps the east african Youth to understand job cultures and reduces cultural barriers. We hosted mock interviews, did resumes for Youth and worked with them individually on a one-n-one basis to figure out their career/employment interests. 70% of the Youth served in this program have completed the program. 15 of the Youth served in this program become interns with different companies to obtain skill sets. Many of the east african Youth who have completed the program have obtained skills and education that prepared them for their careers in information technology, healthcare, advanced manufacturing, transportationlogisticsdistribution or construction based on their interests.job readiness activities are designed to help participants set long-term goals and overcome barriers to personal success. In individual meetings and group classes, they did explore issues such as self-control, coping skills, and success, and ask difficult questions of themselves.
Climate ambassadorthe goal of this program is to educate the east african Youth in whittier and lyndale neighborhoods about the relationship between climate change, zero waste action, and environmental justice and engage them in individual and community actions to maintain healthy communities and a healthy planet. Through this program we have changed habits and reduced the single use plastic items used and informed and empowered the Youth about climate impact and accessible ways to reduce waste through behavior change related to reducing use of single use disposable items; make clear the connection between consumption, environmental justice and climate change; and educate participants on ways to advocate with fellow citizens, government and corporate level to bring needed change. A key pillar was training participants in the connection between single use plastic and other disposable items and climate impacts. The project illustrated that individual and collective actions matter and add up. We did outdoor under a tree sessions and did a virtual field trips so participants get an inside look at our waste infrastructure to understand the role of waste reduction and recycling in protecting human, planetary, and economic health; tour the water purification plant to illustrate the safety and cost of minneapolis tap water compared to bottled water, to reduce bottled water consumption. Youth who completed the program have been honored with a climate ambassador certificate.
Mnsure navigator mnsure is Minnesota's health insurance marketplace where individuals, families and small businesses can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage that meets their needs and our Organization played a great role in partnering with mnsure as a certified mnsure navigator agency to help families who face technology and language barriers access and navigate the Minnesota's health insurance marketplace. We helped families and individuals who are looking for health insurance create online accounts and complete applications. We also helped seniors who are 65 years and above complete the paper health insurance applications.