Program areas at Foundation for Black Entrepreneurship
In 2021, our programs directly supported over 500 Black women entrepreneurs through training, coaching sessions, consultations, and back-office business technical services, with 22% of our participants returning to participate in more than one program. Although SGN is comprised 100% of Black women, we served a diverse group. Participants varied in age, household size, annual income, and industry. While our participant age group ranged from 20 to 55+ years old, over 40% of our participants were in their mid-40s with an average annual household of $50,000 - $100,000. To further the mission and goals of our organization, several new partnerships were secured in 2021. These strategic partnerships led to increases in program delivery and the number of Black women served, as well over $237,500 in new funding. Examples of new partners include Xfinity/Comcast, Xcel Energy, Southwest Airlines, Amazon, and Kaiser Permanente, to name just a few. Through highly-vetted business professionals, the SGN provided 130 free coaching sessions to assist Black women-owned businesses with the creation of strategic marketing plans, budgetary goals, and product design. In alignment with the trends of the digital age, 2021 saw our digital footprint increase tremendously. Having positioned ourselves as a credible resource in the arena of ecommerce, digital marketing, and web services, in 2021 we reached 14,857 followers on social media, which was a 25% increase over 2020. We also achieved 210,723 unique web page views, which was a 12% increase over 2020.