Program areas at Foundation for Boston Centers for Youth and Families
Community and civic engagement - programs for various Youth leadership development opportunities to community service projects for both Youth and adults.
Sports, recreation and health programs - bcyf's recreation division offers a variety of innovative recreational activities, sports, and trainings year-round to address the physical fitness, health, and social enrichment needs of all Boston residents. The recreation division provides programming for all ages with a primary focus on providing a broad range of activities for all Youth ages 6-18 in safe and secure settings. Bcyf recreational activities are available city-wide, ensuring easy access for all. The Foundation fosters strong partnerships with local colleges and universities, professional sports teams, the business community, and other agencies and departments to bring in support and expertise. A plethora of elder services, health screenings, and other programs defined by neighborhood needs are also available.
Youth employment - bcyf employs over 400 teens during the summer months. These opportunities vary slightly from summer to summer, but range from apprenticeships in bcyf computer labs, positions with bcyf recreation division, lifeguarding at bcyf pools, junior councilors at bcyf summer camps and many other meaningful opportunities. Each bcyf employment opportunity is designed to help teens develop their own unique skills and compentencies, while teaching important career readiness skills in a supportive environment.
Arts programs - bcyf's art programs are designed to develop participants' feelings of self-worth, and hopefulness as measured by creative self-expression, accomplishment and peer connections. Bcyf offers art related programs for all ages at various bcyf community Centers in four areas including visual and performing arts, literary arts, digital and media arts, and design. The majority of bcyf arts programming culminates in a performance or exhibit by program - bcyf's educational programs empower residents to become proficient in basic educational disciplines, apply learning to everyday situations, and to embrace technology to improve employability. Bcyf offers a neighborhood-based network of adult education services that are offered at multiple bcyf community Centers around the city in two class types: english for speakers of other languages (esol) and ged preparation. Other programs offered including various computer classes for all ages, school-aged tutoring, adult and child cooking courses, career exploration programs, and many more.
Civic & community engagement - bcyf's civic and commumity programs empower participants to support and influence their community center and neighborhood, sustain meaningful relationships with others, develop a positive self-image, participate in the democratic process and respect their own and other's cultural identities. Programs offered range from various Youth leadership development opportunities to community service projects for both Youth and adults.