Program areas at Foundation for Healthcare Care Quality
The bree collaborative is a public/private group of governor-appointed members who select Health Care services annually with high variation, poor outcomes, or a safety or an equity issue to develop best-practice, evidence-informed guidelines. Guidelines are used by the public and private sectors for Health Care purchasing, delivery, and regulation.
The surgical Care outcomes assessment program (scoap) is an engaged community of clinicians working to build safer, higher Quality, and more cost-effective surgical Care. The collaborative promotes data-driven Quality improvement activities in hospitals performing general surgery - bariatrics, colorectal, small bowel obstruction and appendectomies - across the pacific northwest.
The cardiac Care outcomes assessment program (coap) is a regional Quality improvement program using clinical data from all cardiac surgeries and percutaneous interventions performed in Washington state to measure Quality and identify and drive best practice. Coap serves 32 hospitals, 16 of which perform both pci and cardiac surgery, 16 that perform pci only. Assessment of this data informed benchmarking, reporting, performance awards and quarterly webinars sharing data and best practice.
Obstetrical Care outcomes assessment program, spine Care outcomes assessment program, smooth transitions, the community birth data registry, and other initiatives.