Program areas at Foundation for Recovery
Ffr offers evidenced-based Recovery support services, including individualized peer support and Recovery planning, mutual-aid support groups, life skill and employment classes, harm reduction education and strategies, advocacy, and pro-social activities. These Recovery support services occur at the community Recovery center in las vegas which provides an enrinching, non-carceral, environment using a strength-based approach and radical acceptance. The program's Foundation is the value of the lived and living experience of peers to assist others in achieving goals, navigate resources, improve health, and find a sense of community. Through various initiatives and our community Recovery center, we Recovery support services to 1,155 individuals in 2022, hosted 2,563 mutual-aid meetings, distributed 1,092 doses of naloxone to members of the community Recovery center and other Recovery support services.
Several projects and initiatives aim to raise awareness of Recovery across Nevada, reduce stigma, and advocate for expanded community-based Recovery support services. In 2022, the Foundation for Recovery organized the las vegas Recovery block party in partnership with mobilize Recovery, a public event during national Recovery month to raise awareness, advocate for resources, and celebrate the Recovery community. The block party welcomed over 600 attendees, elected officials, and many local providers and resources. Foundation for Recovery also received a continuation of grant funds from the Nevada division of public and behavioral health (dpbh) to continue the recovery-friendly workplace initiative. This initiative seeks to improve workplaces by reducing the stigma of substance use and encourages employers to support treatment and Recovery. Employers are encouraged to educate their staff on substance use and Recovery; develop policies and procedures to support Recovery of employees; and support employees who are caring for family member(s) impacted by substance use. Participating employers receive a designation through the governor's office as a Recovery friendly workplace. Number of designated Recovery friendly workplaces in Nevada in 2022: 12 number of attendees at 2022 Recovery block party: 600
Our education and training department develops curriculum to educate the Recovery community, people who use drugs, family members, employers, providers, law enforcement, and the general public about substance use Recovery and public health. Our 46-hour peer Recovery support specialist (prss) training is recognized by the Nevada certification board and prepares nevadans to earn the credential of a certified prss. In the prss role, those with lived experience with behavioral health disorders mentor others that are seeking support with their substance use and/or mental health. Ffr also offers continuing education classes, prss supervision curriculum, overdose prevention, and community organizing trainings. In 2022 ffr received funding through clark county to pilot a short-term overdose ambassador program which recruited 50 ambassadors who distributed 539 overdose prevention kits to local residents. In 2022 we launch connect for Recovery, an online learning platform for people to find on-demand courses, live trainings, browse a job board, and connect with other peer Recovery support specialists and providers in Nevada. Number of people who completed the prss certification training in 2022: 137 number of people who completed our overdose prevention training in 2022: 929 number of people who completed continuing education trainings: 38 developed new 18 hour prss supervision training and received curriculum approval from the Nevada certification board in 2022. Launched connect for Recovery online learning and social platform.