Program areas at Foundation for the Global Compact
the Foundation supported the un Global Compact to plan and implement its programmatic goals. the un Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 12,000 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and 69 local networks. Businesses that join the initiative commit at the ceo-level to align their corporate strategies and operations with ten principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions to support the sustainable development goals. Through providing authoritative guidance, training, tools and support, and connecting stakeholders across the globe, the un Global Compact enables businesses of all sizes and from all sectors to achieve their sustainability objectives. the un Global Compact has an enduring track record on delivering impact, and works alongside several strategic partners to do so, including the largest responsible investment and responsible management education initiatives in the world. the principles for responsible investment (pri) initiative is a network of international investors that counts more than 20,000 participants from the financial sector with more than us$ 86 trillion worth of assets under management. the principles for responsible management education (prme) initiative is the largest responsible management education network in the world, working to transform business and management education, research and thought leadership globally, and educate tomorrow's responsible business leaders.change happens on the ground. To accelerate the transformation towards sustainable markets, the Global Compact is committed to helping companies make the Global goals local business. Through its 69 Global Compact local networks, the un Global Compact spans the world, working in both mature and emerging markets. In recent years, local networks in developing countries in particular have experienced significant growth. Through its local networks, businesses have a seat at the table to help solve social and environmental challenges and take action through public-private partnerships. Global Compact local networks are business-led, multi-stakeholder platforms that work directly with businesses to help them implement the ten principles of the un Global Compact and advance the sustainable development goals. Thanks to their local and regional expertise, local networks are uniquely positioned to help companies understand what responsible business means within different national, cultural and language contexts. They facilitate outreach, learning, policy dialogue, collective action and support companies everywhere in advancing the ambitions of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, the un Global Compact has developed a portfolio of action platforms to advance responsible business activities and fill emerging gaps in meeting the Global goals. Through these action platforms, the un Global Compact invites businesses to collaborate with like-minded peers and experts to develop unique and innovative approaches to critical corporate sustainability issues. Rooted in the ten principles of the un Global Compact, each action platform convenes representatives from business, Global Compact local networks, academia, civil society, government and the united nations to solve complex and interconnected issues, explore new market opportunities and innovate around the Global goals the un Global deliver impact at scale, the un Global Compact is working with its business participants at the country level through local networks to generate action through a series of Global impact initiatives that address key Global challenges. Global impact initiatives are designed to accelerate action, scale and the mainstreaming of best practices, innovation and ambition to support the achievement of the Global goals.aims to mainstream the sustainable development goals among businesses worldwide. Through implementing more innovative and ambitious business strategies and financial instruments, the initiative will encourage companies to think critically and creatively about their sdg impact. Ultimately, sdg ambition seeks to challenge companies to accelerate Global progress and impact to make the Global goals a reality.focuses on scaling up corporate climate action by raising awareness, showcasing a holistic approach to corporate climate action and supporting science-based target setting. As a complement to the "business ambition for 1.5c our only future" campaign, it will encourage companies to align their climate targets with a 1.5c pathway through mitigation and adaptation measures. It will also emphasize the importance of "ambition loops," where bold business leadership and bold government policies reinforce each other. the end goal of target climate 1.5c is to facilitate a just transition of our Global economy to a net-zero future by 2050.calls on companies to identify young talent within their organizations to give the next generation of leaders an opportunity to collaborate with peers and accelerate business innovations to support the Global goals. It aims to activate future business leaders and change makers to develop and drive bold solutions through new technologies, initiatives and business models that enable the private sector to be a powerful force for good. the young sdg innovators program is designed to engage the brightest and best talent to deliver tangible innovations to support their company's sustainability objectives while also facilitating long-term business success.supporting companies in setting and reaching ambitious corporate targets for women's representation and leadership across business and at all levels. Through facilitated performance analysis, capacity building workshops, peer to peer learning and multi-stakeholder dialogue at the country-level, it helps business deepen implementation of the women's empowerment principles. the initiative also strengthens contributions to sustainable development goal 5.5, which calls for women's full and effective participation and opportunity for leadership, including in economic life. As a Global impact initiative, it aims to accelerate the pace of progress on gender equality within the private sector.