Program areas at Frankfurt Zoological Society Us
Frankfurt Zoological Society Us Inc. made grants to support conservation activities in zimbabwe, including ranger training and provisions, vehicle maintenance and parts, aerial support and census work. Notable outcomes included a well-trained and effective ranger force and increased community support for conservation around gonarezhou national park.
Frankfurt Zoological Society Us Inc. made grants to support conservation activities in tanzania, including radio tracking of rhinos, ranger training and provisions, education and community conservation and aerial support. This resulted in decreased poaching and improved conservation outcomes in serengeti national park and the selous ecosystem.
Frankfurt Zoological Society Us Inc. made grants to support conservation activities in zambia, including aerial law enforcement, the provision of communications equipment, and ranger training. This resulted in significantly improved law enforcement along with stable or increasing wildlife populations in north luangwa and nsumbu national parks.
Frankfurt Zoological Society Us Inc. made grants to support conservation in lomami national park in d.r. Congo, including an airstrip project.frankfurt Zoological Society Us Inc. made grants to romania, germany, mozambique, democratic republic of congo, indonesia, and spain.