Program areas at GSC
The Center provides medical appointments, specialist referrals, public health screenings, home visits, prescription assistance, and social work services for over 1,000 unduplicated individuals each year who are uninsured and live below 250% of the federal poverty level. Patients must live in Blanco, Gillespie, Kimble, or Llano Counties or the towns of Comfort or Brady, Texas. Partnerships include our local hospital/health system, local specialists, Methodist Healthcare Ministries, Prevent Blindness Texas, AACOG, Community Action, the Central Texas Food Bank, and local nonprofits such as St. Vincent De Paul Society and the Hill Country Community Needs Council.
The Center offers patients the opportunity to meet with a bilingual LPC. Patients often have circumstances in their lives when they need to meet with a counselor and work through the challenges they have faced, are facing, or a combination of both. In a time when mental health is a critical issue in our society, this program offers patients a pathway to getting help.
The Center provides basic dental care, including fillings, extractions and cleanings for more than 500 unduplicated low-income, uninsured individuals. We employ a part-time dentist three days a week, and then enjoy the volunteer services of four local dentists and three hygienists on the fourth day.