Program areas at Freedom Fund Network
Immigration bond program:with widespread discrimination around the world, u.s. immigration detention is unduly felt by lgbtq+ people. To address this, lgbtq Freedom Fund paid bond in 2022 for migrants in more than ten states, with a focus on lgbtq+ people, to secure their safety and Freedom from immigration and customs enforcement (ice) detention. Paying bond preempts victimization in custody and improves case outcomes -- those free are more likely to get counsel and those with representation are more likely to win their immigration cases. After paying bail, for those in need lgbtq Freedom Fund provided limited case management and medical-legal-social service linkages.
Advocacy and education program:lgbtq Freedom Fund works as an advocacy and education outfit to mobilize the public and stakeholders to address the disproportionate impact of incarceration on lgbtq+ individuals. Lgbtq+ people are three times more likely to be jailed, a disparity precipitated by poverty and discrimination in school, employment, policing, family and society at large. In 2022, we addressed these issues in media appearances, as well as meetings with stakeholders and in lectures. This advocacy work also addressed the abuses in carceral facilities of lgbtq+ people, who are much more likely to be sexually assaulted and held in solitary confinement.
Pretrial bond program:lgbtq+ people are disproportionately incarcerated and harmed by the criminal legal system. In turn, lgbtq Freedom Fund paid bail in 2022 to secure the safety and liberty of individuals in pretrial detention in seven counties in Florida, with a focus on lgbtq+ people. Detained, even for a day, an individual is at risk of violence and losing employment, custody of children, and housing. While those with means are released from detention, those in poverty face only injurious choices: languish at risk, or accept a guilty plea to get out of jail. After paying bail, for those in need we provided case management and medical-legal-social service linkages.