Program areas at Freemasons in Texas - 12 Austin
To admit, make and pass Freemasons according to the Constitution and Laws, and Edicts of the Grand Lodge. During this fiscal year, the lodge performed 12 EA degrees, 14 FC degrees, and 8 MM degrees. We also performed multiple burial services.
To cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to assist the widows and orphans of members. Primary vehicles for this are direct charity by the lodge and inspiring charity in the members. Direct charity includes our scholarship program, our support to Mathews Elementary School, our food drive, our annual Christmas gift to a needy family, and our widows meal. It also includes the various donations the lodge makes to local charitable entities and to other entities via contributions to the Grand Lodge. Our members are also encouraged to be charitable directly, other than via the lodge. In addition, lodge member charitable activities inspire volunteers, family members, and friends to greater charitable activity.
To advance the moral and social interest of its memberhsip; to foster good citizenship, honest industry, and upright living. Primary vehicles included regular membership meal and events, during which various moral and ethical lectures and examples were set, such as honoring our elders, concern for the welfare of our widows, bestowing of community recognition awards and deserving scholarships.