Program areas at Fresh Films
Fresh Films works with underserved teens and young adults ages 14-26 to build their technical skills, career and life skills (21st century skills), confidence and realization of their own future potential through actively involving them in the collaborative, creative and technical processes of filmmaking- filmmaking is our vehicle for mentorship, leadership and workforce development among teens. The program serves diverse underserved teens of all ethnicities (more than 66% youth of color), genders (57% women), backgrounds (55% free and reduced lunch), and experience levels. The program goal is to build career pathways, job opportunities and college readiness for the $771b media/entertainment industry that is growing rapidly due to non-traditional video producers, the growth of traditional producers for digital demand as well as the growth of visual communications across social media and other platforms. The 3-leveled learning program operates at 28 physical sites + 3 virtual sites which includes after-school and evening filmmaking, summer workplace experiences and paid internships. Wrap around supports including speaker and soft-skills workshops compliment the tech learning.fresh Films revenue comes from corporate and foundation grants, program sponsorship, government grants and united way grants. Program expenses to engage, mentor and train 400+ teens and young adults per year in weekly program plus on-set or digital content summer experiences, speaker sessions and soft-skills workshops, and upper level internships include staff and teaching artists, curriculum creation and implementation, equipment and supplies, travel and all program coordination with site locations, instructors, youth and their parents.staff includes 9 full-time staff, 35 part-time staff and instructors, and 5-7 paid college interns. Staff includes an executive creative director/film director, managing director/development, director of development, youth outreach, producer, production assistant and editor who work on all projects and curriculum and travel to those programs that are outside our headquarters in rock island, il. Fresh Films hires freelance film professionals such as a director of photography for apprenticeship programs just like other film companies in the industry. We also have a local filmmaker/teacher artist in each city to work with the teens on the weekly program. Equipment and supplies include all camera, sound, lighting and other film and editing equipment as well as props, costumes, on-set food, and other needs needed to train the youth and produce the Films in the multiple locations. Some equipment is donated or loaned to us at no charge. Travel is mostly summer local transportation to help teens get from their homes to the film sets and/or to paid internships and out-of-town travel. Expenses also include the paid internship stipends for the teen filmmakers. General expenses include accounting, legal and insurance across all programs.