Program areas at Friends Committee on National Legislation
Advocacy and outreach: fcnl works with a network of some 80,000 people around the country, encouraging practical steps that people can take to advance Legislation and other public policy initiatives in a non-partisan manner. Through communications (such as newsletters, web site, email alerts, social media posts, and telephone calls) and travel around the country, we help individuals and communities advocate effectively for peace and justice issues. We develop information to create focused, strategic communications in specific states and congressional districts to influence members of congress and will result in federal Legislation that supports our policies and priorities. Fcnl has established and trained over 100 advocacy teams, totaling over 1,500 people in local regions who are willing to build relationships with their members of congress and to advocate on Legislation that fcnl is advancing. Fcnl trains, coaches and convenes a National advocacy corps of twenty (20) young adults who organize and lobby on an fcnl legislative priority over a nine-month period on a specific issue.
Legislative and educational activities: has two major overall programs which are domestic policy and foreign policy. Fcnl fields an experienced team of registered lobbyists working on capitol hill for peace and justice. These lobbyists work in partnership with people around the country. Through conversations with members of congress and their staff, meetings with coalition groups, and contacts with administration officials, fcnl identifies practical steps that people around the country can take to move federal policy in the direction of the world we seek. Each year, more than 400 quakers and others from around the country gather in Washington for an annual conference to discuss fcnl's work, hear from our lobbyists about specific public policy issues, and make decisions about legislative priorities and policies. In accordance with the legislative priorities set by fcnl's general Committee, the legislative teams focus on the following issues: (1) immigration and refugee policy; (2) criminal justice reform; (3) energy and the environment; (4) economic justice; (5) native american concerns; (6) election integrity; (7) gun violence prevention; and general topics including: (1) peacebuilding, diplomacy and the peaceful prevention and resolution of violent conflict with an emphasis on the middle east; (2) reduction of military spending and armed interventions; and (3) nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. Although all but one of the team members are registered as lobbyists, only a small portion of their work falls into the category of direct lobbying, involving contacting a lawmaker seeking to influence the passage or defeat of Legislation. Even the broader definition of "lobbying activities", which includes preparation and planning activities, research and other background work that is intended, at the time it is performed, for use in contacts, and coordination with the lobbying activities of others, does not capture the full breadth of their work. In addition to these lobbying activities, team members: monitor and analyze developments in their areas of expertise; communicate with fcnl constituents and the general public to explain these developments; advocate for general policy changes that are not legislative in nature; engage in education of members of congress and their staff, administration officials, fcnl constituents and the general public; participate in roundtable discussions, panels and seminars; write articles and informational materials; develop messaging strategies and media relationships; write and edit proposals for foundation grants and prepare reports on their activities; and engage in administrative and support activities.
Young fellows program that provides professional formation as leaders and advocates for a more peaceful and just world. Fcnl hosts an annual young adult lobby weekend that attracts over 350 college students to Washington for a weekend of education, lobby training and meetings in the offices of their congressional delegation.