Program areas at Friends for Life
Registered professional guardianship: served as legal guardian for 506 elderly and disabled adults who had been victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Located safe places for them to reside and made sure they had food, medical care, etc.
Life skills training:a one-on-one program in which staff work individually with clients who have developmental disabilities, teaching them skills to help them be more independent within the facility setting and possibly assisting with their move back into the community. Approximately 110 individuals were served in this program.
Adult day care:in june of 2000, Friends for Life took over an adult day care program in waco, Texas that was scheduled to close. The center is open from 7:30am to 5:30pm monday through friday and provides opportunities for social skills development, on site and community activities, volunteering, meals and transportation. Last year the center served 118 people.
Independent living programs and quality of life:for 34 years, Friends for Life has been recruiting, training and organizing volunteers to help seniors and adults with disabilities live independently as long as safely possible and to improve the quality of their lives. The organization served 2,605 people through these programs last year.
Tool shop:this program provides opportunities for people with disabilities and seniors to learn new skills and to interact with other people with assistance from staff and volunteers.
Money management:in multiple counties across Texas, Friends for Life provided money management services to elderly and adults with disabilities who were unable to handle their finances and were at risk of having utility services terminated, etc. Assisted with bill paying, balancing checkbooks, etc. Also assisted individuals with information and referral for resources, insurance evaluation, intervention with creditors, etc. Approximately 349 individuals were served in this program.
Learning lab