Program areas at FoHVOS
Community conservation land stewardship programs - guided by its primary mission to preserve and protect land throughout Hopewell Valley, fo hvos not only performs land stewardship work on fohvos preserves, but also on other public and private lands. These programs are funded through corporate and foundation grants, individual donations, and fees-for- service. Corporate, community and student volunteers help fohvos stewardship staff with planting, trail work and restorations. Private landowners in the community conservation program received guidance on native plants, invasive species, and deer management and may purchase native plants at wholesale prices. Fohvos community conservation extends the ecological land stewardship benefits to over 3,000 acres of land and results in improved biodiversity and water quality, increased habitats for declining wildlife populations, and a community that is more connected to the land.
Land preservation - as an accredited land trust, fohvos acquires land for permanent preservation pursuant to the recommendation of its land preservation committee. Selection is based on a prioritization system based on land evaluation criteria that evaluates ecological value including protection of wildlife, biodiversity, scenic views, contributions to water quality, opportunities for public accessibility, connecting trails and community conservation. The majority of protected lands and conservation easements are purchased in partnership with governmental and/or other conservation nonprofit organizations with the purpose of Open Space preservation and land stewardship. Fohvos provides a public benefit by contributing to a healthy environment, offering recreational venues and improving the quality of life for area residents and visitors.
Fohvos new jersey invasive species strike team - founded in 2008 with a mission to protect new jersey's natural lands, the strike team serves as a statewide resource for conservation through its dedicated focus on mitigating threats posed by invasive species. The strike team serves as a clearinghouse of information on invasive species and offers tools, training and outreach that reach 2,000 professionals and laymen every year. Its partners include federal, state, county and municipal governments, conservation groups, private landowners, volunteer groups and individuals dedicated to protecting private property and local parkes. Together, they detect, track, and eliminate invasive species by mapping them with a proprietary phone app and maintaining a statewide database. Since inception, the strike team has searched 800,000 acres, documented 20,000 invasive populations, and eliminated 4,000 of them.
Outdoor equity alliance is a fiscally sponsored program of fohvos that is a collaboration of public, private, and non-profit organizations who are committed to providing "nature for all." The oea takes an inclusive approach to delivering educational, recreational, and career opportunities for people of all ages, races and ethnicities, income levels, and abilities to enjoy nature and become stewards of the outdoors.