Program areas at Friends of Lachat
Offutt Education Center: The organization completed construction and furnishing of the Offutt Educational Center. The new center replaces the former garage and enables year round educational programming including the addition of a demonstration kitchen and art studio for classes.
Facility Improvements and Maintenance: the organization continues to make meaningful expenditures to maintain and improve the Lachat Town farm including landscaping, facility maintenance and upgrades, paying for utilities and animal care expenses for the goats and rabbits. This year's expenditures included a new hay wagon for the farm, new composting center and a new rabbit hutch.
Children's Educational Programming: the youth program ran throughout the year for the winter, spring, summer and fall. Each season and week had different themes for the children to learn more about nature, farming, and creative arts and crafts. Over 300 children participated in this year's programs.
Family Educational and Events programming: The organization continues to offer a range of programs for families with children. Two immersive theater programs that utilized the building and grounds of Lachat Town Farm were offered in 2023. A music concert, puppet show, candy cane event and spring egg hunt events were aimed at younger children. Programs to commemorate noteworthy events included a Women's Suffrage Tea and a MLK event.
Music Events: Four Music in the Meadow concerts were held this year featuring regional musicians playing outdoors at Lachat Town Farm. Each concert attracted 300 persons from the local communities. Over a dozen volunteers helped implement each of these events.
Farmers Markets and Other Community Events: Three Farmers Markets, one Holiday Market, International Day and Earth Day events were held this year. Each market and community event brought local farmers and other vendors to the Lachat Town Farm and attracted over 400 persons from the local communities. Over a dozen volunteers helped implement each of these events.
Adult Educational Programming: Adult educational programs included a vegetable gardening series; classes on backyard chickens and composting; cooking classes utilizing the new Offutt Center demonstration kitchen; and yoga and tai chi classes.
Community Garden/Giving Garden: Approximately fifty community gardeners utilized the community garden beds at Lachat Town Farm and participated in classes offered by local gardeners. The Giving Garden is a production garden where all the produce grown is donated to local social services in need. The Giving Garden is planted and maintained by over 10 volunteers.