Program areas at Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue
Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue fmar is a no kill cat and dog shelter. In 2021 fmar rescued 158 dogs and 182 cats. These cats and dogs were spay/neutered, vaccinated, treated for health conditions, and microchipped in preperation for adoption. In 2021 fmar spent over $54,000 spay/neuter, microchipping, vaccinating and treating Animals for medical conditions such as parasites, heartworm, abrasions, broken bones, tumors, dental conditions, infections, viruses, and various other medical issues. Fmar's cat haven has an inside community cat area where adult cats enjoy a free roaming environment. Fmar's dog retreat has four fenced in community dog play areas. In addition to the necessities, the Animals are provided with lots of love, attention, and enrichment from volunteers until they are adopted into permanent homes. Fmar has over a hundred regular volunteers that are responsible for cleaning the cat haven and dog retreat twice per day, grooming the Animals, socializing the pets by offering treats and attention, walking dogs, and playing with the cats. In 2021 fmar found homes for 122 dogs and 163 cats.
During 2021, fmar's trap neuter release program tnr program trapped, sterilized, and treated for health conditions 150 feral cats and kittens. Program staff and volunteers worked with individuals requesting help with stray cats and colonies. Volunteers and staff would organize trapping stops, transport cats to and from veterinary facilities, and care for the cats at the shelter during their spay or neuter surgery recovery period. The feral cats were then returned to their original colony or relocated to a safe environment.