Program areas at FTR
Watershed restoration: ftr's watershed restoration program focuses on restoring & revegetating damaged stream channels & riparian areas, improving fish passage, restoring stream flows, recharging the Teton basin aquifer & supporting regenerative farming practices. Restoration work reduces erosion, restores functional floodplains, improves stream flows & water quality, enhances groundwater resources & creates healthy habitat for fish, with a focus on threatened yellowstone cutthroat trout. In fy2023, ftr secured funding for habitat restoration on the Teton River and Teton creek, fish passage restoration on south leigh and badger creeks, stream flow restoration on canyon creek, and incentives for aquifer recharge and regenerative farming initiatives.
Watershed monitoring: ftr conducts research on & monitors trout populations, water quality, recreation, soil health & water quantity. This research is designed to measure restoration program impacts, prioritize future restoration work, track trends & identify threats to watershed health. In fy2023, ftr collected stream temperature, flow and fisheries data; monitored groundwater, soil moisture, and soil health; and collected River use data.
Community education: ftr's community education program provides opportunities for community members of all ages to learn & make informed decisions about water. In fy2023, ftr continued to engage k-12 students in classroom, online, and field science programs; implemented cost share & community education programs for drinking water testing and protection, hosted a series of educational field tours, coordinated agricultural and responsible recreation education initiatives.