Program areas at Frisco Family Services Center
Ffs offers a variety of Services to families and individuals inneed (low income) or in crisis (due to loss of job, divorce,illness, death in the Family, etc.) Living in Frisco or Frisco isdwhich includes areas of plano, little elm, and mckinney. Servingas a support to the community, ffs operates a summer lunchprogram, the only food pantry in Frisco and provides emergencyfinancial assistance with rent or mortgage, utilities, gasvouchers, child care payments, and prescriptions. Financialassistance is also provided to pay for professional licences orcertificates, uniforms, work-related supplies, and educationalscholarships. Furniture and clothing vouchers are also distributedto families in need. Adult life skills workshops are offered whichinclude, but not limited to, budgeting, interviewing, resumewriting, parenting, self-esteem, goal-setting, life-coaching,nutrition, and health education. Special programs such as the backto school fun fair (children are provided with school supplies,new clothing, shoes, hair cuts, hygiene, and other items), thethanksgiving program (individuals and families are provided with acomplete thanksgiving meal) and the holiday gift program (providesclothing, toys, and gifts to families and senior citizens) arealso provided.