Program areas at Frontline Community Services
Foundation provided 9-10 homeless individuals transitional
One major exempt purpose is supporting and enriching the lives
Of people with disabilities and special needs. In 2010, the
Foundation was awarded a contract, human care agreement-
Hca with dc government to provide residential Services to
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Id/dd. The foundation also was approved to provide
Residential Services under the medicaid home and Community
Board waiver program to medicaid beneficiaries with id/dd,
Combined with mental health and behavioral concerns. 64 people
Were cared for 24/7 under this residential program. Expenditure
For this purpose amounted to a little more than 21506297.89
That includes wages paid to direct support staff, supervisors,
Licensed professionals psychologists and nurses, administrators,
Property rentals and maintenance costs. The same amount was
Reimbursed by the above-mentioned agencies.