Program areas at Fulton County Health Center
See schedule o location: the Fulton County Health Center is located at 725 south shoop avenue, wauseon, oh 43567. The Health Center is easily accessible from interstate 80/90 (Ohio turnpike) and state route 2. It is centrally located within Fulton County where wauseon is the County seat. Philosophy/auspices: the Fulton County Health Center is a private, non-profit hospital, long-term care & independent living facility governed by a board of directors. The Health Center is operated on the principle that every individual has a basic right to attain the highest degree of wellness possible based on his or her own needs. The services of the hospital shall be available to all individuals regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religious creed, economic condition or disability. Commitment to quality: the Fulton County Health Center continually strives to reach a high degree of excellence in meeting the needs of both internal and external customers 100% of the time. Quality of patient/resident care and all of the institutional practices is the primary criterion utilized to monitor the Health Center services and to evaluate proposed changes of proposed new services. Level of care: the Health Center is a short-term general hospital offering a full range of services related to acute care. Included in these services area a wide range of outpatient services that involve diagnostic and rehabilitative treatment. The Health Center also has long-term care and independent living available to offer the continuum of care. The level of care provided to all patients and residents is the same whether inpatient or outpatient. This is accomplished through progressive Health awareness. Centers of excellence: among the special strengths of the Health Center are an obstetrical unit, a critical care/cardiac care unit, a short term inpatient and intensive outpatient geriatric psychiatric unit, adult outpatient and partial hospitalization, an emergency department that is staffed with licensed physicians 24 hours per day, every day of the year, an inpatient and outpatient surgical unit, sleep disorder Center, wound care and hyperbaric Center, rainbow hematology/oncology treatement Center and other diagnostic and therapeutic services. In additon, a hospitalist is available to inpatients 24/7, telemedicne stroke network with utmc and mercy st vs. daily outpatient specialty clinics offer the consultative and diagnostic services of several types of medical specialists. Long-term care and independent living facility offering the continuum of care from the hospital area. A wide range of organized educational and Health promotion opportunities, including a comprehensive diabetic education program, are provided for patients, residents, employees and members of the surrounding communities. An urgent care clinic to bridge the gap between the dr office and emergency room for medical needs that cannot wait. Also an 11,000 sq foot rehabilitation Center was opened for occupational and speech therapy, pediatric treatment and therapeutic pool. In 2023, Fulton County Health Center was honored with the 2023 healthy workplace platinum level award. This award was presented as a result of the Health Center's comprehensive workplace Health promotion and wellness programs. Fchc was one of only 30 medium sized Ohio employers that were recognized for their Health workplace 2023, Fulton County Health Center celebrated 44 years of offering h.o.p.e (helping other parents experience grief). H.o.p.e support group offers support for parents who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or death of infants, young children, teenagers, or adults due to illness, an accident or 2023, Fulton County Health Center celbrated 42 years of offering behavioral Health services. Fchc behavioral Health offers two types of services: a hospital-based based adult inpatient and partial hospitalization/intensive outpatient, as well as a freestanding outpatient clinic. Limitations: patients in need of tertiary care are referred to area specialty centers. Population served: the Fulton County Health Center serves the population in Fulton County and patients in the immediate border areas of adjacent counties. Total population of our service area is estimated between 42,000 - 45,000. Our behavior Health services unit primarily serves a four County area including Fulton, defiance, henry and williams counties as well as from outside our immediate geographic area. Institutional relationships: the Health Center maintains relationships with area nursing homes, city and County organizations, and regional tertiary care centers. The Health Center is a clinic-training site for a wide range of Health care the Health Center maintains an active and ongoing in-service and continuing education program for our staff to keep them knowledgeable and current on developments in Health care delivery. The Health Center also encourages employees to pursue higher education.