Program areas at Fundacion Luis G Fortuno
The Largest program hosted by the Foundation is Lemondade Day. Youths are taught how to properly license themselves, plan and operate a business using Lemonade Stands as a stand-in model to help kids visualize and understand. The program is not meant to generate income, it is an educational activity only.
PR Crece is an Initiative that promotes open discussions to debate and consider solutions to poverty in an open economy. More than 700 individuals, mostly university and high school students, have participated in these discussions, which are set around special presentations of the award- winning documentary, Poverty, S.A.
Economic Freedom Index is a data-driven, objective research project that applies guidelines established by The Heritage Foundation to analyze the level of economic freedom in Puerto Rico and compare it to other jurisdictions
The Speaker Series is a program where we offer talks and forums about economic development, education, labor market, and other related topics. Our objective is to give students access to special resources and topics that contribute to their intellectual development and success in the labor market. Forums are Free of charge and open to the general public and members of the media.
Global Perspective is a monthly publication that provides Global perspective of socioeconomic topics to help the public better understand the causes and solutions to Puerto Rico's economic Crisis/ Each issue analyzes social and economic strategies in other jurisdictions aimed at expanding prosperity and how such solutions could be applicable to Puerto Rico's current situation
Competitiveness Toolkit research-based publication that measures the impact of policy change to improve competitiveness. In addition to the publication of the report, the program features in-person and virtual events and the development and implementation of a social media campaign to educate the public on the report's findings and recommendations.
Biblioteca Siglo XXI - the archives and library of former Governor of Puerto Rico Luis G. Fortuo. CRECE maintains the archives of the former Governor, including preservation and organization of official documents that are made available to the public through exhibits,special events and research activities.
Portraits of Prosperity - new program directed at high school and university students to showcase the value of entrepreneurship in communities through the visual arts. Program consists of a photography contest and exhibit to illustrate the stories of Puerto Rican entrepreneurs. Development of the program occurred during 2021 with implementation scheduled for 2022. CRECE was awarded a grant from Atlas Network at the end of 2021 to launch the program in 2022.