Program areas at Galatians 62
Food Insecurity Program (Food Pantry):Community Food Pantry in Elgin, SC providing food and toiletries to the community free of charge. On occasion we deliver groceries to shut in individuals as well. 110 families served monthly, 8 volunteers
Veteran 2 Veteran Program:We provide approximately 100 newly housed Veterans per year with furniture and household goods to assist with their transition from homelessness to independent living. We provide furniture and household items to Veterans transitioning out of domestic violence situations to alleviate cost associated with starting fresh. We receive 3-5 referrals a month from the VA hospital in Columbia, SC. We give out approximately $15k worth of furniture and household goods per year to local Veterans transitioning out of homelessness. We have 4 volunteers for this program. iii. We provide 50 meal kits per month to the Dorn VA Hospital to assist with meals for homeless Veterans that can't eat free at the hospital when attending appointments.
Outreach Program:Our mobile outreach team goes out into unsheltered homeless and low income communities throughout the midlands of South Carolina and Baton Rouge, Louisiana providing food, clothes and toiletries to unsheltered homeless and low income high risk individuals. We also provide assistance with job and benefit applications. Outcomes vary from month to month and location. On average we make contact with at least 30 homeless individuals/families and connect them with resources. We have 20 volunteers on the outreach team and we offer volunteer opportunities to the community via signups.
Our Bridging the Gap Programs provides computers and network services to low-income families, job training and mentorship to our clients. Through our partnership with SC Thrive we are able to assist clients with applying for state and federal benefits using the Thrive Hub. Through this program we have brought awareness to the availability of SNAP, TANF, Tax Assistance and Medical assistance for low income families to all of the customers using our food pantry and members of the communities where we set up information tables. We have assisted homeless with access to resources they were unaware existed. We have helped disabled Veterans obtain work from home employment and assist with computer and network access. During this period we also partnered with Unite Us Referral System to add another resource to our Bridging the Gap Program. This platform provides us a direct link to other organizations to augment the assistance we provide to our clients.
Our voucher program, provides vouchers to other nonprofit service agencies to provide to their clients that can be redeemed for free food, clothing and toiletries at our blessing store.
north carolina veteran outreach and returning at risk former inmates program services for reintegration